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Air Experience Flights are available.
You can purchase a voucher or gift voucher here for a flight or flights.
AEF List
There are four Air Experience Flight options available
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A Taste of Gliding

Single winch launched flight

One winch launched flight from 5 to 15 minutes depending on thermal conditions.


Self launched glider

Take off and shut down for a glide

Aircraft: Dimona 

Take off from the airfield and enjoy a ~45 min sight seeing  flight around Central Coast


The Double Deal

Two winch launch flights or one extended flight

Two winch launched flights or one extended one depending on thermal conditions.


Best of both worlds

Winch launch and power away

Aircraft: DG1001M

Winch launch then use pop up motor to gain the height for a ~45 min sight seeing flight plus thermalling 

​Please note:

  • All our Air Experience Flights are conducted by qualified instructors and are fully covered by Insurance.

  • You will be offered the opportunity to try the controls and receive some introductory training.

  • There are no upper age limits however we generally recommend that no younger than 12.

  • Maximum weight is 110kg. No maximum height however above 195cm is uncomfortable  

  • We fly most Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Please check our RSVP page for upcoming flying days or phone our team for more information. 

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